Saturday, October 30, 2010

DSL is up and running

Yay! The DSL line is up and running. We will be calling Comcast on Monday to cancel their service.
I'm glad I waited for Sean to set it up. He ran into a configuration problem and needed to call tech support. Also, trying to get 9 wireless devices to recognize the wireless signal was a chore. 2 Windows laptop, 2 Mac laptop, 2 iPhone, 2 iPod Touch and a wireless printer. Whew! 
Speed is pretty decent and faster than the current tier we had with Comcast at about half the cost.

The four port digital TV signal amplifier should be here early next week. That should allow us to pull in at least 2 more TV stations and possibly a few more.

I have a 30 foot antenna tower on the side of my house that currently has a 2 meter HAM radio ground plane antenna on it. I'm considering installing a really nice, large TV antenna on it with a rotor next spring. I should be able to pull in stations from Ohio, West Virginia & Central PA with a set-up like that! 

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