Monday, November 21, 2016

Over 600,000 Cable Subscribers Canceled in October

2016 is quickly becoming the year of the cord cutter. Pay-TV providers may still have a huge subscriber base but it is shrinking quickly. For the first time in just one month 621,000 subscribers canceled or downgraded their pay-TV service....

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Vudu Movies now free

Vudu is one of 4 streaming services available on the Channel Master DVR+ along with YouTube, Pandora and Sling. A few weeks ago I was notified that they now have thousands of free movies available. Most are older titles but still, free is a pretty good price! Having Vudu built into our Channel Master DVR+ makes them easy to watch too.

It's been over 6 years!

It's now been over 6 years since we cut the TV cable.
Now if only there was a way to cut the internet cable as we currently have Verizon Fios which costs us $57.99/month.
Typically Verizon raises their price at least once per year and sometimes more but even with that we've saved thousands of dollars over those 6 years. Additionally back in April we dumped our Verizon Landline and ported that phone number to my cell phone. At the time we were paying $98.56 for Fios internet/landline service so $57.99 is not too bad for just 15kbps up/down internet. Thinking back on it, $40/month for a landline is pretty silly since we both have cell phones. Just the savings on the landline since April is over $300!

Speaking of Cell Phones, we recently switched providers from ATT to T-Mobile because of a new plan (T-Mobile One) that they came out with. $35 per line if you have 4 lines. We combined with our son & daughter-in-law to get the 4 line requirement. Pretty sweet deal!

Shout out to Channel Master for their Fall TV Freedom Bundles. Great deals especially on the DVR Bundle.