Over the past month or so I have noticed that our Channel 22-1 & 22-2 would not hold the digital signal especially when it was raining or snowing (pixelating).
One improvement that I have been considering since the beginning was to move the antenna drop amplifier close to the TV antenna in the attic where it really should have been all along. The big problem was that I had no power outlets in the attic to run the amplifier.
So, a few weeks ago I ran some new wire and installed an electrical box and outlet into the attic. Last week I installed a PCT single line drop amplifier close to the antenna and I removed the drop amplifier from downstairs in the basement and installed a four way splitter instead.
Now channel 22-1 & 22-2 are holding steady with a very good picture. I am now also picking up channel 8-1 & 8-2 with a very good signal too. 8-1 (WWCP) & 8-2 (WATM) are located in Altoona & Johnstown, PA which is quite a distance from us. 8-2 is the ABC-affiliated television station for Altoona so much of their programming is a duplicate of our 4-1 (WTAE) but 8-1 in Johnstown is a Fox-affiliated television station with somewhat different programming from our 53-1 (WPGH).
Our overall signal strength to the TV's appears to be about 10-15 percent better with the new wiring set-up and the drop amplifier near the antenna.